In Meeting on the phone: rain attacks
Water falls as I look for spot that lacks
I attempt to quickly assess the scene
In a parking lot, no cover to intervene
It’s just like me, in my downfallen luck!
To stay dry, I plunged under the truck
Pain! As my head thumped the engine
My back hurting as well to my chagrin
Tomorrow, I may stand a bit straighter
To compensate so I am not sore later
Coworkers wanted me to join the talk
But bump in my head created a block
Mind’s muddled, their words are hazy
Hope my ideas don’t sound too crazy
Finished call in the crouched position
This incident I will “forget to mention”
When they ask why was I not speaking
Misdirecting words, I shall be seeking
Listen, drenched is a bad look on me
But only the fates decide what must be