Sometimes all you need is to transform your surroundings. I had been cooped up in my room for a week straight, working on my website diligently. I had so many ideas, so much inspiration, and quite a bit of organization to do in order to prepare me to leave again. It was 2 in the morning and I was still working on my due diligence when something just came over me. I was filled with this sense of “I have to get away” I have found if I cater to my innocent wants, it becomes easier to deny myself the negative desires I may have. Therefore, when I started feeling this strong urge to run away, that’s exactly what I did! I turned my music on and I walked out of my room, on the sidewalk and I started running.

Now, I’m not the best runner, although it is something that I do want to start doing more often. One: for my health, since I know that I used to be really fat and the only reason I feel good about myself and am not fat anymore is because I started eating correctly. You don’t need to work out to lose weight, you know, you can simply change your diet and it will literally transform your life. Two: I need more outside activities, witness sunshine, get out of my own head. It’s good to have hobbies and the more hobbies that I have the happier I am. I find when people don’t have an outlet, they’re more depressed. When people are bored, the dwell on their emotions and often can get lost in them.

When this feeling came over me, I knew exactly what it was. I downloaded Spotify since a friend of mine recently sent me his running playlist, upon request. He made the playlist while we were on watch together, and I asked him to send it to me, planning to start running. (I hope he reads this one day, because I will say here that he was completely right, the music on this playlist is perfect for running.) I put my headphones in and ran and as it turns out running was exactly what I needed. I ran to the tennis courts. Which is actually not very far from the hotel.

I found a sitting area and sat on table (because who sits on chairs anymore?) I checked my Tumblr and read an amazing poem by @auretestatic about how her heart stopped racing for a few years but she knew it would race again. It was so hopeful, and what’s funny: my heart was racing while I was reading the poem because I had just stopped running. I was so inspired by the poem and by my run that it caused me to want to write a blog for my website, and I haven’t had inspiration to write in such a long time.

There is a point to this story, and I suppose I’ll get to it now. If you are feeling dejected, or depressed, or you just feel like the world is against you and you can’t get ahead no matter what you do… Then go somewhere, do something that gets you out of your head in a positive way. Find a hobby, go for a walk or run. Go to a location that is entirely different from your normal that you won’t be able to help but think about anything else except your emotions about whatever it is that is going on in your life, or whatever you are lacking from your life. Because sometimes… all you need is a change of scenery.